
Promoting computer holography

Kansai University

Japanese English


Print service

We provide the service of printing original interference patterns synthesized by users.

Terms of use (excerpt)

Read Terms of use of print service of Kan-Dai Digital Holo-Studio for details.

žDo not use the print service for purposes other than research and artistic purposes.

・The following acts are prohibited:

  Sale, transfer, or lending of generated holograms to a third party.

ž   ・Users are obliged to publish scientific papers and works of art including generated     holograms at academic society meetings, exhibitions, or other media outlets.

ž   ・The proprietary rights to the generated holograms belong to Kan-Dai Digital Holo-Studio   although users have almost all of the rights to interference patterns and their sources   including their data, design, and algorithms (i.e., users borrow the generated holograms   from Kan-Dai Digital Holo-Studio).

ž   ・Applicants are reviewed before using the service (your application may be rejected   depending on the conditions).

Terms of use and application procedure

Read the following terms of use carefully and submit the completed application form and written agreement via e-mail.  We will inform you of the method of delivery of the interference patterns at a later date.

ž   ・Terms of use of print service of Kan-Dai Digital Holo-Studio

ž  ・Application form and written agreement for the print service of Kan-Dai Digital Holo-Studio(PDF)/ (word)